Shining Bright Future offers 3 types of tutoring:

The first (and main) target is for those students currently getting a REAL* 5.5-6.0 and need to get higher for university studies overseas. The assumption is that such students are providing adequate LR & GRA scores which can be improved easily, but lack the skills to perform much higher in the TA/TR and C&C criteria – that is, they haven’t been taught a good academic writing formula! This is very easy to achieve, and students have shown GREAT progress on this – jumping 2 bands on each criteria in only 2 weeks!

This individual VIP program can be done either face to face, or online.

It is individually tailored to the student’s needs, and focuses on writing, with some speaking practice (unless otherwise dictated). Students are expected to put in a lot of practice work, and a number of files are given and expected to be read and understood. Because of the nature of this program, students should allow at least 2 weeks for this tutoring prior to having an IELTS test.


The second program is for those who are poor at English (through lack of study or effort), but need a lower score to enter Foundation programs overseas. I call this program the “Just tell me what to say IELTS training”. With this intensive program, we focus exclusively on the Speaking test, using questions garnered from the internet. Together, we will perfect answers for Parts 1 & 2 of the Speaking test – focussing primarily on Pronunciation and Fluency.

Again, this program can be either face to face or online.


And lastly, the final program is an online only class program – 10 lectures similar to the ShuoShuoYaSi video series, but allows for immediate feedback to students’ effort. This class-based program is cheaper than the individual VIP program, but has more students. This does not seriously affect the quality of the teaching, as the lecturing is still the same, and students can learn from each other.


To enquire about any of these courses, please use the contact form below:

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