Shining Bright Futures has created the BEST course you can do for increasing your Academic Writing score.

It takes the knowledge and experience of a top-100 university educated trainer, combined with the experience of a former IELTS examiner, to teach you what REALLY matters when doing the IELTS Writing tasks.

The course starts off by teaching students what the examiners are REALLY looking for when they mark your writing tasks – according to the Marking Criteria that are used across the world.

Then, Task 1 is discussed in depth – what to write, where to write it. And, for many students, what NOT to write. Because, for many IELTS candidates in China, the examiner will pick your score within only a FEW SECONDS of reading your paper (and you will find out why!!)

After learning all about how to do a GOOD Task 1 paper, we’ll then look at the Task 2… and again, you’ll understand why examiners are already deciding your score within the first few seconds of reading your paper – and how to get them to start thinking of higher scores. It also discusses important criteria that most teachers NEVER teach you in IELTS preparation classes.

In this course, students are taught a NEW FORMULA that GREATLY increases the chances of getting a high score. It focusses entirely on the Task Response and Coherence and Cohesion criteria that examiners are looking for. Not only that, but this formula is used extensively at universities overseas – so it’s something you will need to learn anyway!

Students will see exactly what makes a good paper, and even look at some bad papers (and be shown why they don’t work). So, examples are given for both Task 1 & Task 2.

Students will also have the opportunity to put this knowledge into practice, but writing their own tasks, and be given feedback on their writing.

This course is especially suited to students who are currently scoring 5.0 or higher, and need a better score for their writing (but, usually, don’t know why they can’t reach their goal). A Listening of at least 6.0 and a Speaking score of at least 5.0 is required (so that students will understand – the course is conducted entirely in English – not Chinese!)


Check out how this course went in Xiamen in October!

Here’s what some of them had to say about it:

What I have studied is totally different from the knowledge I gaining from Chinese teachers. Let me know what examiners actually want. Let me know the requires of writing completely.

The drawbacks of my old writing style. How to write Task 1 which suit examiners’ needs. How to organise your essays in correct ways. (Caroline)

Learn a lot!!! Make me know what exactly the writing text wants in my essay. The correct thought when I’m writing the tasks. I know that in both Task 1 & Task 2, which parts should I focus more and what I should work on more. (Lysine. Writing  5.0 ->6.0. Overall 6.5)

Real IELTS examiner teaches the standard which is 100% real. Different from what we used to be taught by Chinese teachers. Totally different writing structures and the way IELTS examiner judging our writing tasks. Knowing what score my tasks is and where I need to improve. (Roger. Writing 5.5 -> 6.0. Overall 7.0)

(You can see more of their comments on the home page, under ‘Student Testimonials’)


This Intensive Writing Course normally takes about 10 hours )although longer is better – this can be arranged depending on available time).

It can be conducted at any school or other place that has appropriate facilities, and special groups can be catered to.

If you are a student, and would like to have one of these courses conducted in your town or area, please get in touch. Minimum number of students is 6 per class.

To get the most benefit of this course, it is STRONGLY recommended that students also enrol in some 1-1 VIP classes and the IELTS Evaluation to ensure they fully understand and follow the new formula that is given.

Use the contact form below to discuss arranging a course in your area, or to ask any questions regarding the course


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