Intensive IELTS Academic Writing course – Xiamen, 15-16th October 2016

Hansi Kursch No Tags 0

The first Intensive IELTS Academic Writing course was conducted in Xiamen this last weekend, with students saying they learnt a lot that they had never been introduced to before! Shining Bright Future and Shinyway Education, Xiamen Branch got together to have 16 students be trained for FREE, as a 'proof of concept' event. The students were taught what is actually important when doing the IELTS writing Task 1 and Task
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Lecture 15 – Question and Answer

Hansi Kursch No Tags 0

In this, the final video of the series, I answer some of the more common questions that students have about IELTS. Often, there are rumours that spread that are incorrect, and so it's good to clear them up. At other times, students just don't know, because their teachers just don't know - for example, the question on which accent is better to use? While this video is currently (September, 2016)
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Common Fallacies about the IELTS Speaking test

Hansi Kursch No Tags 0

There are a lot of things said about the IELTS test, and much of it is wrong. This article will sort out some of this wrongness, and hopefully will guide teachers and students in helping them prepare for their IELTS test, without wasting anyone’s time and money!   1 – IELTS IS HARD Probably the worst of the fallacies, this one needs to be corrected straight away. IELTS is not
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How to find a good IELTS teacher

Hansi Kursch No Tags 0

There are so many teachers and schools out there that it can be hard to know what's good and what's not - and there's a lot of 'not'! Over the last 15 years that IELTS has been in China, the scores for Reading and Listening have increased at a rate almost DOUBLE that for Speaking and Writing. Currently, the average scores for Chinese test takers is about 5.3 for Writing,
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Hello world!

Hansi Kursch No Tags 0

Welcome to Shining Bright Future Language Consultants. As you can see, this website is still under construction, but hopefully everything will be up and running shortly! Yoou will see that some sections will be available sooner than others... for example, the video course of ShuoShuoYaSi won't be available on this site until some time in the future, although other products and services are available immediately. We're also trying to sort
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