Common Fallacies about the IELTS Speaking test

Hansi Kursch No Tags 0

There are a lot of things said about the IELTS test, and much of it is wrong. This article will sort out some of this wrongness, and hopefully will guide teachers and students in helping them prepare for their IELTS test, without wasting anyone’s time and money!   1 – IELTS IS HARD Probably the worst of the fallacies, this one needs to be corrected straight away. IELTS is not
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How to find a good IELTS teacher

Hansi Kursch No Tags 0

There are so many teachers and schools out there that it can be hard to know what's good and what's not - and there's a lot of 'not'! Over the last 15 years that IELTS has been in China, the scores for Reading and Listening have increased at a rate almost DOUBLE that for Speaking and Writing. Currently, the average scores for Chinese test takers is about 5.3 for Writing,
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